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Favourite Things

Well beyond… Luxury voyages will take place on a 679-foot vessel with 96 suites, 11 restaurants, a pool, and a beach club. Unlike traditional cruise ships, the smaller ship can navigate through areas most large ocean liners can’t, and activities

The Meandering Epicurist

By Keith Edwards Third Wave Coffee Coffee culture in Canada is belatedly catching up with other parts of the world… particularly those in Asia. But there are difficulties. Unfortunately, we’re a miniscule market compared to Asia where virtually all the

‘Beauty and Brains’ reset the bar

By Mark Eglington Having motivation and talent is always useful but today, it’s not enough. Let’s face it…we live in a competitive world. And, while it may not be the hunger games, it’s safe to say someone’s a ways got

Food Lovers’ library

Made in Bangladesh: Recipes and stories from a home kitchen By Dina Begum Taking you through the six Bangladeshi seasons – summer, monsoon, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring – with warming flavours and memories teaching modern classics and age-old

Favourite Things

Well beyond… Luxury voyages will take place on a 679-foot vessel with 96 suites, 11 restaurants, a pool, and a beach club. Unlike traditional cruise ships, the smaller ship can navigate through areas most large ocean liners can’t, and activities

The Meandering Epicurist

By Keith Edwards Third Wave Coffee Coffee culture in Canada is belatedly catching up with other parts of the world… particularly those in Asia. But there are difficulties. Unfortunately, we’re a miniscule market compared to Asia where virtually all the