Seasons change, simultaneously bringing together a myriad of magical things. With a whisper, young ones are born. Cherry trees blossom. There isn’t a rush. Day turns into night. Birds migrate south, and return, according to an invisible timetable that seems to run like clockwork. Rays of sun peek through and fluffy clouds fill the sky.
Now spring is in the air and nature’s contagious energy begins to put wind into our sails once more. Without the ability to hop seamlessly from one activity to the next for the past year, we’ve been wobbly on our feet but, hallelujah, it’s time to slowly start again.
No need to make haste. As Tao suggests, “nature doesn’t hurry and everything still gets accomplished.” Work will get done. Our outdoor spaces will be prepared with more joy than ever before. Interesting, new people will gradually come into our lives, events will magically unfold and, while the dark clouds that bring this season’s rains may still be inevitable, beautiful things will come.
Sometimes we just have to close our eyes and be thankful for small blessings. Let’s see, with the wonder of a child, the daffodils and tiny crocuses popping up and the fragrant trees returning to life.
Like gentle giants, let us marvel at the coming of spring this year. If we stay calm, sit back and welcome the robins back to their nests, we’ll feel renewed.
And, as you spend time with this issue of Homefront, it’ll be fun making grand plans knowing that, even six minutes of reading HF is good for you.
Caroline Tapp-McDougall,