Cooking for the Culture:
Recipes and Stories from the
New Orleans Streets to the Table
By Toya Boudy
Boudy shares recipes, many of which are deeply rooted in the proud Black traditions. Driving the cookbook are her personal stories from struggling in school to having a baby at sixteen, and her appearances on Food Network. Boudy also shares her original television competition recipes. The result, a deeply personal and unique cookbook.
Countryman Press
The Whole Vegetable
By Sophie Gordon
In this beautiful plant-based cookbook, over 130 creative, delicious, planet-friendly recipes put vegetables at the very centre of the table. Embracing discarded parts like leaves, stalks, tops, flowers, seeds and peelings, this is the most sustainable cooking. The Whole Vegetable is packed with thoughtful recipes for every season.
Michael Joseph
Salad Freak: Recipes to Feed
a Healthy Obsession
By Jess Damuck
Delicious and beautiful recipes from Martha Stewart’s personal salad chef, Jess offers more than 100 inspired recipes, recipe developer and food stylist Jess Damuck shares her passion for making truly delicious salads. By combining colour, texture, shape, and, of course, flavour, Damuck demonstrates how a little extra effort can be meditative and fun.
Harry N. Abrams
How to Eat More Plants
By Megan Rossi PhD
A must-have guide to plant-based eating. This is the ultimate guidebook for anyone wanting to transform their health in a practical, sustainable way without sacrificing the food they love.
The Experiment