An unmatched collaboration between acclaimed Israeli chef, Assaf Granit and British designer, Tom Dixon.
The industrial looking eatery at the heart of Dixon’s Victorian era headquarters was designed to be a singular exploration of both culinary magic and design innovation. “Our ambition is to create sharper flavours and surroundings. It’s rough and raw, but in a polished way. Our instinct was anchored by a single thought: to offer an active and engaged experience beyond just eating,” explains Granit.
The chef’s goal was to be creative by deconstructing the kitchen, with cooking and prepping across three floors. Everybody is involved in cooking—from waiters to guests themselves. The result? A dining playground which is half-kitchen, half-eatery. “Each guest to Coal Office Restaurant is witness to an entirely different experience—seeing it from their own unique angle or vista,” claims Dixon. Stand-alone menus are curated to share Mediterranean family-style.
The restaurant also functions as a test lab where Dixon, the legendary designer trials his prototype tableware ahead of production.