By Mark Eglington
There is nothing wrong with “vanilla,” albeit a little boring, in parts of your life. Going for “plain Jane,” or “Joe lunchbucket,” is safely mainstream and ultimately the saving grace for those who might start shaking in their boots when it comes to taking chances.
But what about the rest of us with a little more guts? Wilting wallflowers move over, let’s throw down the gauntlet and get a pop of colour or two into our lives.
How dangerous can it be to put a red kettle or bronze toaster in your condo kitchen, on the sideboard or on the counter top? Trust me, it will be a daily pick-me-up, speak volumes about your taste and send the message that you’re ready for big, bold and beautiful.
Take red, the colour of passion, life, and love. Identifying red as your favourite colour can suggest that your personality is filled with romance, passion, determination, and vivacity. On the sweeter side of red, pink tones down the physical passion and replaces it with a gentle, loving energy that encourages affection, giving and receiving of nurturing and understanding. The deeper the pink, the more passion and energy it exhibits.
Blue, on the other hand, is the calming colour of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body.
Sharing some similarities with brown, bronze projects wealth and is intimately related to strength and longevity. Now that’s not a bad first date message when you’re showing off your bachelor pad, (and your cooking skills of course). Think about it…doing a quick refresh with a statement piece like a SMEG kettle, toaster or blender might be all you need to bring an overdue touch of Italian freshness into that plain old, same old space. We’ve even got a sexy version of vanilla, so “go wild!”
For over 15 years, Mark Eglington has been passionate about European-manufactured best-in-class appliances. By day, he is the President of Canadian-owned Euro-Line Appliances; by night he can be found perfecting his cooking skills.