Home is Where Stories Begin…

Our feet may leave but our hearts will always be there. Much more than a place to simply hang our hats, it’s considered a basic human right to be able to have a roof over one’s head. Home for each of us is a very special place… one to fill with happiness, love and family memories. Home is a place to sleep, a place to eat or entertain, a place to share and a place to be ourselves.

Time and again, research shows that we thrive and grow when we feel secure and enjoy a sense of belonging. Home is where we can express our individual tastes and where we spend time with those we love. It’s a place where we can laugh without shyness and let our tears dry at their own pace.

As I put the finishing touches on this issue in the comfort of my home, I can’t help but think of those who have seen the places they call home literally destroyed in recent months. Loss has occurred in some of the most ordinary and beautiful parts of the world—few have been spared. Nature doesn’t seem to know the difference between a spectacular resort, a private residence or a simple dwelling.

But thankfully, despite the horror, there are stories of heartfelt kindness everywhere. First responders and emergency crews are travelling from afar to help. Neighbours are helping neighbours and strangers are sharing homes. It’ll be a long road back for many, but when the opportunity arises for any of us to offer support, make donations or travel to the regions as they begin to return to a semblance of order, let’s step up.

And, as we work to renovate, re-build and make our own homes more gracious and welcoming, let us never forget to be grateful every day for the four walls that keep us safe, warm and dry.

Caroline Tapp-McDougall

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