Home, “smart” home
Time to upgrade your home or cottage’s IQ?
Time to upgrade your home or cottage’s IQ?
Bigger, thinner and brighter By Marc Saltzman For self-professed geeks such as yours truly, the annual Vegas Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is simply nerdvana. We’re talking nearly three million square feet of showroom floor space—the equivalent of about 55 football fields—all devoted to upcoming gadgets…
Tis the season to buy (or receive) new tech toys, but what are you planning on doing with your old favourites?
Summer is in full swing—time for the great outdoors at the cottage, or “glamping,” and adventure-filled road trips with friends and family. But just because you’re spending more time with Mother Nature doesn’t mean your high-tech companions have to be left on the shelf. There is a number of ways you and the kids can have fun on the go this summer.
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) —the 52nd anniversary of the annual convention, in fact—has rocked Las Vegas once again. This year, roughly 180,000 attendees come just to get their hands on tomorrow’s tech today.
Download these 12 "Must-Have' Apps Whether you’re hoping for a new smartphone or tablet over the holidays or you’ve already unwrapped one (lucky you), you’ll probably start playing with your new device by testing out its camera, tapping through a few games and logging into…
Today, what was once fantasy is reality thanks to companies such as Neato Robotics (Newark, California) and iRobot (Bedford, Massachusetts), and, Mr. Dyson of Great Britain.
What happens in Vegas doesn’t need to stay in Vegas. From self-driving cars and delivery drones to wireless wearables and voice-controlled smart-home gadgets
Five things to look for in a new television By Marc Saltzman It’s been 89 years since Idaho farm boy Philo T. Farnsworth successfully demonstrated the first “moving pictures” transmission. Little did the humble inventor of television know we’d still be staring at the fruits…
A collection of really cool products were showcased at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), some concepts will turn into “vapourware,” and not make their commercial debut.