HF Spa Diaries

  • Post author:
  • Post published:December 6, 2023
  • Post category:Spa

Olfactory research leads to well-being fragrances   After 35 years of bringing together experts in neuroscience and perfumery Japanese fragrance house, Takasago has created a new category referred to as “active wellbeing fine fragrances.” Their sixessences, tested physiologically and proven to have a positive impact…

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HF Overheard

Looking at greener pastures Living near green space can slow biological aging by an average of 2.5 years according to a new study from Feinberg School of Medicine. It’s thought but unproven that exposure to green infrastructure and nature is linked to more physical activity…

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HF Field Notes

Hanoi’s incense artisans keep tradition alive Cited as a great place to visit, Quang Phu Cau Village is known for the amazing incense artisans that keep a ‘core’ 100-year tradition alive. The village is 35 kilometres from downtown Hanoi in the countryside. Incense making is a…

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Favourite Things

Luminessence Water artist Christy Lee Rogers has released the first images and video from her latest collection, “Luminescence,” into a world beset by darkness. Simply stunning. christyleerogers.com   Digitally sculpted Ken Kelleher’s digital art pieces offer an element of surprise What goes behind the windowless…

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HF Entertains

Mussels dinner By Sebastien and Sheila Centner @sebcentner @sheilacentner @sebandsheila @eatertainment Sheila and I place immense significance on the time we spend in the South of France.  Our sojourns over the years have undeniably left an indelible mark on our approach to hosting and entertaining.…

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Falling out of love with nature? In a new opinion paper, a team of Japanese researchers argue led by Masashi Soga found that biophobia—the fear of nature—is a growing phenomenon that seems to be increasing with mass urban development.   Contrary to the positive effects…

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